The French exam preparation platform


Prepare for and pass your French exam!

Exam France offers exclusive preparation for French exams...

More than 2,500 students have used our preparation courses with an overall score of 4.7/5.

Official exams you can prepare for












Tous Publics








Tous Publics







3 preparation formulas to choose from


Progress at your own pace with courses tailored to your objectives.
24/7 access to our rich library of interactive content.
Benefit from individual corrections of your written and oral productions.
Monitor your progress in real time and reinforce your skills with targeted exercises.

From €19.90


Benefit from all the advantages of the Autonomie formula, enriched by personalized support. Our teachers actively guide you in your learning, answer your questions and motivate you.
Benefit from constant monitoring, detailed feedback on your progress and advice.

From €79.90


Experience the excellence of personalized learning.
Enjoy all the benefits of the Autonomie and Coaching formulas, enhanced by private lessons with our teachers.
Benefit from tailor-made support and individual attention
and a program tailored to your specific needs.

From €129.90

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Find out all about our specific DELF – DALF – TCF – TEF French exam preparation programs.

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Why prepare with Exam France?

French specialization

Exam France is dedicated exclusively to teaching French, offering unrivalled expertise and in-depth resources that generalist platforms can't match.

Elite teachers

Our teachers, all native speakers of French and graduates of the best French universities, bring their experience and expertise to bear on our high-quality training programs.

Targeted preparations

Modules specifically designed for each certification (DELF, DALF, TCF) effectively prepare you for the tests, increasing your chances of success.


Our students talk about their preparation

Priya Patel, 24, Mumbai
Priya Patel, 24, Mumbai
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I used the preparation course with workshops and private lessons. I passed my TCF with an excellent score. The detailed corrections of my written work by experienced teachers helped me achieve my objectives. The TEF Canada-specific preparation workshops were a real plus. Being able to interact in real time with the teachers helped me overcome my stress. I highly recommend Exam France's preparation courses to anyone aiming for excellence in French exams!
Thomas Weber, 27, Berlin
Thomas Weber, 27, Berlin
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What impressed me most were the ultra-specialized courses. Each skill is worked on in depth, with targeted and progressive exercises. The personalized corrections by the teachers were crucial to my improvement. I loved the specific preparation workshops. Being able to interact live with experts and other students boosted my confidence.
I passed my DELF B2 and also improved my French. I recommend this platform to anyone who wants tailor-made preparation for French exams!
Sarah Johnson, 22, Boston
Sarah Johnson, 22, Boston
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En tant qu'étudiante américaine, j'étais nerveuse à l'idée de passer l'examen DELF B2. Puis j'ai découvert Exam France, et cela a changé la donne ! Leur approche ciblée des examens de français a fait toute la différence. Les tests pratiques étaient parfaits et les explications détaillées m'ont aidé à comprendre mes erreurs. J'ai adoré la façon dont ils ont décomposé la structure de l'examen et fourni des stratégies pour chaque section. Les exercices d'écoute ont été particulièrement utiles - ils m'ont vraiment préparée à l'examen réel.
Grâce à Exam France, j'ai réussi mon DELF B2 avec brio. Je me sens beaucoup plus confiante dans mes compétences en français maintenant. Si vous vous préparez à un examen de français, n'hésitez pas - Exam France est la solution !
Recevez notre guide gratuit

"The best tips for passing your French exam".

Prepare effectively for DELF, DALF, TCF or TEF with our comprehensive guide from Exam France.
Discover expert tips for each skill, time and stress management strategies, and practical advice for D-day. Benefit from our expertise to maximize your chances of success and achieve your language goals with confidence.