The French platform for official exam preparation: DELF - DALF - TCF - TEF

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then choose your preparation package

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Getting ready with Exam France

List of exams you can take with Exam France

DELF exams

  • DELF A1
  • DELF A2
  • DELF B1
  • DELF B2

DALF exams

  • DALF C1
  • DALF C2 (on request)

TCF exams

  • Tous Publics
  • IRN
  • Canada
  • Quebec

TEF examinations

  • Tous Publics
  • Intégration
  • Canada
  • Quebec

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6 good reasons to take a French exam

International recognition: These diplomas are officially recognized by the French Ministry of Education and respected in over 170 countries.

Academic opportunities: They are often required for admission to French and French-speaking universities.

Cultural adaptation: These exams integrate cultural elements, promoting a better understanding of the French-speaking world.

Career benefits: These diplomas add value to your CV and open doors in the French-speaking professional world.

Self-confidence: Passing these exams boosts learners’ confidence in their mastery of French.

Immigration: DELF B1 is frequently required to obtain French nationality.