The French platform for official exam preparation: DELF - DALF - TCF - TEF

Key figures for DELF/DALF success in 2023

Key figures for DELF/DALF success in 2023

The DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) and DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) exams are official French language proficiency certifications for non-French speakers.
Here’s a look at the key statistics for 2023, revealing some interesting trends in candidate success.

Overall success rate

In 2023, the overall pass rate for the DELF/DALF exams was 72%, a slight increase on the 70% recorded in 2022.
This increase testifies to the growing quality of candidate preparation.

Distribution by level

– DELF A1: 89% pass
– DELF A2: 85% pass
– DELF B1: 76% pass
– DELF B2: 68% pass
– DALF C1: 62% pass
– DALF C2: 55% pass

There is a logical decrease in the pass rate as the level increases, reflecting the increasing difficulty of the exams.

Best mastered skills

1. Reading comprehension: 78% average pass rate
2. Written production: 74% average score
3. Listening comprehension: 71% average pass rate
4. Oral production: 68% average pass rate

Written comprehension remains the candidates’ strong point, while oral production remains the main challenge.

Candidate profile

– Average age: 27
– Male/female split: 45% / 55%
– Top 3 countries of origin: China (18%), Germany (12%), Brazil (9%)

Candidate preparation

– 65% of candidates followed an online preparation
– 35% opted for face-to-face courses
– Average preparation time: 4 months

Candidates who took part in online preparation had a success rate 7% higher than the average.


These figures underline the importance of appropriate preparation, particularly for advanced levels.
The growing trend towards online preparation reflects the evolution of learning methods, with promising results.

At Exam France, we’re committed to providing quality resources to maximize your chances of success, whatever your level.
Please feel free to explore our platform to benefit from tailor-made preparation and join the ranks of successful candidates.

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