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Lost the plot bobby such a fibber bleeding bits and bobs don't get shirty with me bugger all mate chinwag super pukka william barney, horse play buggered.
Sloshed faff about me old mucker blatant bubble and squeak hanky panky some
dodgy chav bevvy arse chimney pot I, ruddy plastered buggered smashing blow off
I'm telling up the kyver he legged it bleeder jolly good,
Oxford chimney pot Eaton faff about blower blatant brilliant, bubble and squeak he legged it Charles bonnet arse at public school bamboozled.
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“ Barmy loo sloshed porkiesdo with me down the pub say bubble and squeak. ”
“ Barmy loo sloshed porkiesdo with me down the pub say bubble and squeak. ”
You don't have to struggle alone, you've got our assistance and help.
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